ESET Deutschland GmbH

ESET Deutschland GmbH

DACH Partner Conference 2016.

CATEGORY: Conference | news


ESET Deutschland GmbH | DACH Partner Conference 2016.

ESET Deutschland GmbH, the company for security software, invites you to this year’s partner conference at the Alm in Daglfing. Together with the partners from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, they are busy meeting in the best weather, tropical temperatures, a lot of football anticipation and exclusive hut flair. After a golf taster course at the neighbouring golf club, the participants start the day strengthened and motivated. REALIZE then has an easy game to guide the well-heeled participants through the conference. Humorist Josef Bertl philosophizes charmingly about the peculiarities in the IT industry and draws convincing comparisons to the topic of team sports. While the Beetle Catering makes every hungry guest full and happy and the individually created awards make their owners proud, the Bavarian cult band Dreisam knows how to drive their audience to top performances despite the European Championship semi-final defeat. ESET and REALIZE draw a happy conclusion, because what was talked about throughout the day was lived. A successful team creates everything, including a unique evening.

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