Off we went in the truest Sense

Isar river near munich.
Off we went in the truest Sense

Immaterial cultural heritage of Bavaria.

CATEGORY: Incentive| Day trip | Action | Fun | Tradition

July 2024

#raft trip #proper #team event #detached #funny #closetonature #cultural

The event organizers on the raft.
The raft crew felt like they were among equals. ‘Event organizers know how to celebrate and what’s important,’ was the unanimous opinion.
‘St Nicholas protects us from all misfortune and water danger!’ The noble banner with the patron saint has always been the pride of the raftsmen’s guild.
Once used to transport timber and goods on the Isar and Loisach rivers, the rafts brought 147 heavily laden timber rafts from the Tölz region for the construction of Munich’s Frauenkirche.
Later, rafting was extended further along the Danube to Vienna and Budapest. When there were no steam engines for shipping and railways and no petrol engines to power cars, the raft on the Isar and Loisach was considered the fastest and cheapest means of transport.
Today, only the excursion raft trips, that have been enjoyed for more than 100 years, have been preserved.
As a Munich event organizer, experiencing this tradition is a must.
When the whole Realize team boarded the raft in traditional costume at 9:00 in the morning, the sky was still overcast. But as soon as the Isar flowed into the Loisach, the sun came out and accompanied our summery trip.
Before the raft slides, it was time to stow our rucksacks, grab our beer mugs and sit down. Sometimes you get a bit wet, but in summer temperatures this dries up quickly and some people even went swimming on purpose and floated alongside the raft.
Walkers and cyclists who meet you on the banks are happy and wave. Our raft guide told us to wave back because ‘we are a friendly raft’. There was no need to tell the Realize team that, because we were already waving anyway.
All in all, the 5-hour trip went by far too quickly and everyone got their money’s worth: whether you were a nature lover taking a break or a fun-loving fan swaying, the Oberland Musician always ensured a good atmosphere.

Once is not a time.

Let’s see when the next opportunity for a raft trip presents itself.

In any case, a big thumbs-up from the REALIZE team.

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